June 02, 2020

Book | Flavours of Istanbul: A Selection from Original 19th Century Ottoman

Mavi Boncuk | 

Flavours of Istanbul: A Selection from Original 19th Century Ottoman Recipes 

Paperback – January 1, 2007

by Ozge Samanci [1] (Author) with Sharon Croxford[2]

A selection from original 19th century Ottoman recipes. Istanbul: Medyatik Yayinlari, 2007. First ed., 4to., 178 p., color ills. 

This book is the collaborative effort of Ozge Samanci and Sharon Croxford. Ozge's studies and experience in food and especially in Ottoman culinary history along with a life of cooking and eating balanced against Sharon's years of teaching and working with food and capturing it with words or photographic images. Flavours of Istanbul offers a glimpse into the culinary world of Istanbul during the last days of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. Recipes have been selected from original Ottoman cookbooks such as Meleceut-Tabbahin, Ev Kadini, Yeni Yemek Kitabi, Ascibasi that were published in Istanbul between 1844 and 1900. The book introduces Istanbul's cuisine in the 19th century along with cooking techniques and tips and a range of dishes that reflect the tastes of Istanbul at the time. The recipes include cold and hot mezes, soups, breads and savoury pastries, meat, chicken, and fish dishes, desserts and fruit drinks\

  • Paperback: 250 pages
  • Publisher: Medya +IK Yayinlari; 1st edition (2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9759185105
  • ISBN-13: 978-9759185107

[1] Özge Samancı is a historian whose research interests include Ottoman and Turkish food history. She completed her graduate studies in History at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul in 1998 and her PhD studies in 2009 in History at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. Samancı is Associate Professor at the department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts at Yeditepe University in Istanbul where she teaches classes on history & cultures of food and drink. She is the author of publications including "La Cuisine d'Istanbul au 19e siècle" (2015), "Culinary Consumption Patterns of the Ottoman Elite during the First Half of the 19th Century" in the Illuminated Table, the Prosperous House (2003), "Pilaf and Bouchées: The Modernization of Official Banquets at the Ottoman Palace in the Nineteenth Century" in Royal Taste (2011), " Food Studies In Ottoman-Turkish Historiography", in Writing Food History: A Global Perspective (2012), "Les Sens Symboliques du Pain dans la Culture Ottomane", in Food & History (2009), "Vegetable Patrimony of the Ottoman Culinary Culture" in Proceedings of the IVth International Congress of Ethnobotany (2006) and several articles on Ottoman culinary culture in Yemek ve Kültür, a Turkish journal about food culture where she is a member of the editorial committee. She is also the co-editor of Turkish Cuisine (2008), an inclusive book about the Turkish culinary culture.  

[2] Associate Professor Sharon Croxford Adjunct Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy Sharon is a founding member of the Dietetics and Human Nutrition team at La Trobe University. She has been instrumental in the design and development of the combined Bachelor of Health/Applied Science/Master of Dietetic Practice and post-graduate Master of Dietetic Practice. She lead the development of the hugely successful Bachelor of Food and Nutrition, a joint project with Open Universities Australia, with roll out due for completion in 2018. She leads La Trobe's partnership with the Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Continuing and Professional Studies for an articulation Bachelor of Human Nutrition. She has been Discipline Lead for Dietetics and Human Nutrition since 2015 which in 2018 has 14 ongoing and contractual members with additional support from more than 15 casual team members. Sharon has developed team members from casual academic to successful course coordinator, from curriculum development to course management. Sharon has more than 25 years experience in fields related to food and nutrition, working in food service, community and clinical dietetics in Australia, the United Kingdom and Turkey. Prior to returning to Australian in 2008 Sharon spent time working between King's College University in London and Istanbul where she opened and ran a cooking school dedicated to teaching Ottoman and Turkish cuisine. Sharon has written widely about Ottoman and Turkish cuisine and has published Flavours of Istanbul - a selection from original 19th century Ottoman recipes with food historian Ozge Samanci as well as books on 'Turkish Cheeses' and 'Preserving Foods'. Sharon was contributing author and lead editor for the textbook Food and Nutrition throughout Life and coauthor of the textbook Understand the Science of Food - from molecules to mouthfeel. Sharon is currently Academic Program Director and course coordinator for the Bachelor of Human Nutrition Hong Kong, after having coordinated the Bachelor of Health/Applied Science/Master of Dietetic Practice and Bachelor of Food and Nutrition. She coordinates a number of subjects and teaches into subjects within the food and food services domain.

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