July 24, 2015

Özdemir Asaf (1923 -1981)

Mavi Boncuk | 

Özdemir Asaf (b. June 11, 1923, Ankara, Turkey- d. January 28, 1981, Istanbul, Turkey)
Parents: Mehmet Asaf
Spouse: Yıldız Moran[1] (m. 1962), Sabahat Selma Tezakın
Children: Olgun Arun, Etkin Arun, Seda Arun, Gün Arun
Education: Kabataş Erkek Lisesi, Galatasaray High School

[1] Yıldız Moran (b.July 24, 1932-d. May 15, 1995) 
Spouse: Özdemir Asaf (m. 1962) 
Education: Robert College (1951) 
Children: Etkin Arun, Olgun Arun, Gün Arun 

"Yıldız Moran, is one of the pioneers on photography in Turkey; she is the first schooled woman photographer. However, her existence on the intellectual field is much more than that; she is also a dictionary writer and translator. This is just her professional profile; in addition to this Yıldız Moran also has a social one: First of all, she is a human, then a woman, a lady, a mother and the wife of Halit Özdemir Arun or Özdemir Asaf as he uses. After got an education in Robert College, at the age of 18, she starts to take photography lessons in England, first in Bloomsbury Technical College and consequently in Ealing Technical College between 1952 – 1952. After realizing five exhibitions in London and in Cambridge, she becomes a member of a photography club in Italy and then makes photo shoots in Spain and in Portugal. Later, she publishes a book about those photos." Source: Yıldız Moran Arun: The Lady Who Touches The Light 

Poetry Books
Dünya Kaçtı Gözüme (1955)
Sen Sen Sen (1956)
Bir Kapı Önünde (1957)
Yuvarlağın Köşeleri (1961)
Yumuşaklıklar Değil (1962)
Nasılsın (1970)
Çiçekleri Yemeyin (1975)
Yalnızlık Paylaşılmaz (1978)
Bir Kapı Önünde (1982, collected poems 1, posthumously)
Yalnızlık Paylaşılmaz (1982, collected poems 2, posthumously)
Benden Sonra Mutluluk (1983, unpublished poems, posthumously)


Bir aksam-üstü pencerenden bakıyordun 
Ağır ağır, yollara inen karanlığa. 
Bana benzeyen biri geçti evinin önünden. 
Kalbin başladı hızlı hızlı çarpmaya.. 
O geçen ben değildim. 

Bir gece, yatağında uyuyordun.. 
Uyanıverdin birden, sessiz dünyaya. 
Bir rüyanın parçasıydı gözlerini açan, 
Ve karanlıklar içindeydi odan... 
Seni gören ben değildim. 

Ben çok uzaktaydım o zaman, 
Gözlerin kavuştu ağlamaya, sebebsiz ağlamaya. 
Artık beni düşünmeye başladığından 
Bıraktın kendini aşk içinde yaşamaya.. 
Bunu bilen ben değildim. 

Bir kitap okuyordun dalgın.. 
İçinde insanlar seviyor, ya da ölüyorlardı. 
Genç bir adamı öldürdüler romanda. 
Korktun, bütün yininle ağlamaya başladın.. 
O ölen ben değildim..

Özdemir Asaf 

It Wasn't Me

One evening you were looking from your window
Into darkness slowly filling the road.
Someone passed your house resembling me.
Your heart began to race.
But the one passing wasn't me.

One night you were sleeping in your bed.
You awoke suddenly to a silent world.
Something in a dream opened your eyes,
And darkness was there in your room.
The one who saw you wasn't me.

At that time I was nowhere near,
And for no reason you began to cry.
Now at last you're thinking of me
Living with love in your life.
The one who knew this wasn't me.

You were reading a book, entranced.
The people inside fell in love or else died.
A young man in the novel was killed.
You were afraid, with all your strength cried.
The one who died wasn't me.

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