July 24, 2015

Lütfi Özkök (1923 – )

Mavi Boncuk | Istanbul born Lütfi Özkök became a photographer by pure chance. He came to live in Sweden in 1951 after having met his future wife Anne-Marie in Paris. In Sweden he began translating Swedish poets into Turkish, and when the Turkish publisher wanted pictures of the authors, Lütfi photographed them himself. Thus a remarkable artistic achievement began, which has been awarded the Swedish Medal Illis Quorum. Internationally, his portraits of Samuel Beckett, René Char and Paul Celan are among his most well-known pictures. 

Lütfi Özkök has also had many well received photographic exhibitions around the world. Lütfi Özkök also has his roots in Istanbul. With his sensitive camera, he has taken portraits of more than 30 Nobel laureates in literature. 

In 2003 he published "Portreler, Türk Edebiyatına Dönemsel Bakış" (Istanbul: Dünya Aktüel, 2003). In 2013 his book "Rüzgârların Yolunda: Fotoğraf Sanatçısı Şair Lütfi Özkök" was published by Osman İkiz. (Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2013). 

e-mail info[at]lutfiozkok[dot]se Tel: +46 70-530 70 63 Web Site

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