October 21, 2020

Profile | Nilüfer Göle

Mavi Boncuk |

Nilüfer Göle[1] (born October 3, 1953 in Ankara) is a Franco-Turkish sociologist, director of studies at CESPRA (Centre d ' études sociologiques et politiques Raymond Aron) of the École des hautes études en sciences social (EHESS). His father, Turgut Göle, was a deputy for Kars province for the Republican People's Party, his uncle Ali Hüsrev Bozer was a minister or deputy on various occasions between 1981 and 1990 for the Nationalist Democracy Party and for the Mother Homeland Party, including Foreign Affairs in 1990, during the First Gulf War.

Her grandfather, Mustafa Fevzi Bozer, was president of the Court of Cassation in 1950-1952. She is the wife of economist Asaf Savaş Akat and the sister of Celal Göle, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science at Ankara University 1993 Graduated from the Middle East Technical University, Nilüfer Göle presented his doctoral thesis in 1982 at EHESS under the direction of Alain Touraine, under the title Engineers in Turkey: Vanguard revolutionary or modernizing elite. She was a professor at the Istanbul Bosphorus University from 1986

She lectures at EHESS on ′′ European Public Islam ′′ and ′′ Non-Western Modernities: Turkey and Japan ". Her field of research is the political movement of modern educated and urbanized Muslim women. Since 2009, she has carried out a 4 year field study as part of the research project entitled 'Europublicislam' funded by the European Research Council.

Nilüfer Göle co-signed the petition ′′ A veil on discrimination ′′ published in Le Monde on December 17, 2003, which gave birth to the Collectif des feminists for equality. Currently, she is focusing her research on democracy in public space with the emergence of a new form of protest like the movements of Gezi Park (Turkey) and Maifedan (Ukraine). It develops the concept of performative citizenship.

PBS Interview

Interview with Nilüfer Göle: Shifting Identities and the Stakes of Turkish Democracy

[1] Nilüfer Göle  is a Turkish sociologist, Marxist, and a contemporary Turkish academic who specializes in the political movement of today's educated, urbanized, and religious Muslim women. From 1986 to 2001 a professor at the Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, she is currently Directrice d'études at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques (CADIS), in Paris. Göle is the author of Interpénétrations: L’Islam et l’Europe and The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling. Through personal interviews, Göle has developed detailed case studies of young Turkish women who are turning to the tenets of fundamental Islamic gender codes. Her sociological approach, which is underpinned with Socialist and Marxist ideology, has also produced a broader critique of Eurocentrism with regard to emerging Islamic identities at the close of the twentieth century. She has explored the specific topic of covering, as well as the complexities of living in a multicultural world

Selected publications

Interpénétrations: L’Islam et l’Europe. (Paris: Galaade Editions, 2005).

“Islamisme et féminisme en Turquie: regards croisés,” in Le foulard islamique en questions (Paris: Éditions Amsterdam, 2004).

Ed. with Ludwig Ammann, Islam in Sicht. Der Auftritt von Muslimen im öffentlichen Raum. (Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, 2004).

The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997).

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