August 06, 2020

AIFF 2020 | Ankara Int’l Film Fest announces documentaries to compete

“Tenere” by Hasan Söylemez |Tenere tells the true story of African people who set out from Agadez, Niger, crossing the desert to reach Libya and Europe. In the film, we witness the arduous journey of Bachir from Agadez and his companions in a truck resembling Noah's ark. We see how they struggle both physically and emotionally with harsh natural conditions, thirst and many other problems. 


Mavi Boncuk | 

The films to be featured in the National Documentary Film Competition of the Ankara International Film Festival have been announced
A total of 11 adocumentary films will compete in the 31st annual festival, scheduled for Sept. 3-11 at Kızılay Büyülü Fener Cinema. The festival is organized by the World Mass Media Research Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

While a total of 98 documentary films applied for this year's festival, just 11 were selected by the pre-jury consisting of director Hacer Yıldız, academic and documentary filmmaker Kurtuluş Özgen and academic Önder Özdem. The films to compete at the National Documentary Film Festival are “Sessizliğin Gözyaşları” (“Tears of Silence”) by Ali İhtiyar, “Ovacık” by Ayşegül Selenga Taşkent, “İçimdeki Küller” (“Ashes in My Heart”) by Ayten Başer Yetimoğlu, “Kuyudaki Taş” (“The Stone in the Well”) by Gökçin Dokumacı, “Enstantane” (“Instantaneous”) by Hakan Aytekin, “Tenere” by Hasan Söylemez, “Kadınlar Ülkesi” (“Women’s Country”) by Şirin Bahar Demirel, “Ege’nin Son Baharı” (“The Last Spring Of Aegean”) by Onur Erkin, “Ada’m” (My Island) by Turgay Kural, “Oyuncakçı Saklı Yadigarlar” (The Toymaker Hidden Heirloom) by Yağmur Kartal and “Asfaltın Altında Dereler Var!” ("Under The Road, The River!") by Yasin Semiz.

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