December 05, 2018

Recommended | Ottoman - Turkish Dictionaries and Sources

Mavi Boncuk |SOURCE
 OsmanlıcaTürkçe: Ottoman-Modern Turkish dictionary (Latin characters)
 EbruliSözlük: Ottoman-Modern Turkish dictionary (Latin characters)

 A lexicon, English and Turkish by James Redhouse (1884)
 Dictionnaire turc-français: Turkish-French dictionary by R. Youssouf (1890) in Latin & Arabic characters
 Dictionnaire turc-françaisKamus-i firansavi: Turkish-French dictionary by Sami Fraschery (1883)
 Dictionnaire turc-français: Turkish-French dictionary by Charles Barbier de Meynard (1881) : I ا - ر & II (ز - ى)

 Thesaurus linguarum orientaliumTurcicæ, Arabicæ, Persicæ, by Franciscus a Mesgnien Meninski (1680) Turkish-Arabic-Persian dictionary with translation in Latin, German, Italian, French, Polish
 Remarks on the phonetic value of the letters y and ü in Franciscus Meninski's Ottoman Turkish Thesaurus, by Marek Stachowski, in Studia linguistica universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis (2012)
 Institutionum linguæ turcicæ: Turkish-Latin dictionary, by Hieronymus Megiser (1612)
Turkish language
 Ottoman Turkish keyboard: to type a text with Arabic characters

 Ottoman-Turkish conversation-grammar by Hovhannes Hagopian (1907)
 Turkish self-taught or The dragoman for travellers in the East, being a new, practical and easy method of learning the Turkish language, by Abu Said (1877)
 Reading book of the Turkish language with grammar & vocabulary, by William Burckhardt Barker (1854)
 The Turkish interpreterGrammar of the Turkish language, by Charles Boyd (1842)
 Grammar of the Turkish language by Arthur Lumley Davids (1832)
 Outline of a grammar of the Turkish language as written in the Armenian characters, by Elias Riggs (1856)

 Rudimenta grammatices linguæ turcicæ: Turkish grammar by André Du Ryer (1633)

 books about the Turkish language: Google books & Internet archive
Texts & Literature
 Ottoman Turkish Manuscripts with translation in Modern Turkish, English (+ audio)
 Diyet (Blood money) by Ömer Seyfettin (with translation of every word)
 Kaldırımlar (Sidewalks): poem by Necip Fazıl Kısakürek (with translation of every word & audio)

 The literature of the TurksA Turkish chrestomathy, with translations in English & grammatical notes, by Charles Wels (1891)
 History of the Ottoman poetry by Elias John Wilkinson Gibb (1900) : I & II - III - IV - V - VI

 New Testament in Turkish (1853)
 History of Turkish Bible translations by Bruce Privratsky (2013)

 books about the Turkish literature: Google books & Internet archive
-> Turkey & Ottoman empire: maps & documents
-> Modern Turkish: dictionary & grammar

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