October 05, 2018

The Antalya Film Forum wraps its fifth edition

The winners of the Fiction Pitching Platform: The team behind Everything in its Right Place (producer Engin Palabıyık, director Berrak Çolak and producer Müge Özen) and Deskmate director Ferit Karahan

Mavi Boncuk | SOURCE

The Antalya Film Forum has wrapped its fifth edition by handing out awards to some of the projects that participated in its six different platforms, with the financial support totalling 533,000 Turkish lira (€75,000). Running for four days, from 30 September-3 October, the intensive industry event included a series of master classes as well as tailored one-on-one meetings with specialist consultants, and other activities focused on both the Turkish and the international market.

Antalya Film Forum director Zeynep Atakan focused on extending the scope of this year’s edition and broadening the range of parallel events, such as the first Women with Movie Cameras Platform, which aims to focus on female directors and producers from the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans. Also, Béla Tarr’s workshop was a particular highlight, with the Hungarian auteur himself handing over the participation certificates to the 12 up-and-coming directors who had been working with him.

As for the awards, starting with the Fiction Pitching Platform, there were twice as many projects participating as there were last year, totalling 18, and three of them received the forum’s awards. The big winners of the section were as follows:

Everything in its Right Place by Berrak Çolak, a debut feature. The film follows Nedret, who feels lost after her husband disappears after 40 years of marriage. Her dolce-vita lifestyle also disappears along with him, and she ends up in uncharted waters. However, a woman from her past then forces herself back into her life. Previously awarded at Istanbul’s Meetings on the Bridge  and presented at the last edition of Transilvania Pitch Stop , the project is being produced by Engin Palabıyık (Harikulade Film), with Müge Özen’s Solis Film (Radiogram [+]). Çolak also won the Villa Kult Cultural Residency Award.

Deskmate by Ferit Karahan, his third feature. The movie is set in a secluded and strict boarding school, where 12-year-old Yusuf is anxious to bring his mysteriously sick schoolmate to hospital, as his condition is deteriorating rapidly. His task will not be easy, as snowdrifts block their way and they are forced to spend more time in school, where secrets and unexpected conflicts slowly rear their heads. The film is being produced by Kanat Doğramacı. Also, the drama Graft by Ahmet Küçükkayalı, produced by İnci Gülen Oarr, won the TRT Project Development Award.

Seven documentaries were pitched in the Documentary Pitching Platform, and the big winners were as follows:

New Dawn Fades by Gürcan Keltek (Meteors [+]), which follows a man who is losing touch with his real self and who lives surrounded by his own “devils” and “demons”. The project, which was previously awarded the CNC Prize at Istanbul’s Meetings on the Bridge (see the news), is being produced by Arda Çiltepe.

Turkish Heavy Metal Is Not That Bad by Ketche and Necati Tüfenk, which focuses on the creation of the heavy-metal scene in Turkey by a group of young rebels during the 1980 military coup, while the documentary also follows its evolution over the last 30 years. It is being staged by Uğur Can Gürsözlü.

Women With Purple Violets by Sezen Kayhan, produced by Beste Yamalıoğlu, which follows a group of female fans who, since 1967, have been utterly devoted to a small football team in Anatolia. The project received the TRT Special Award.

In the Work in Progress Platform, five projects competed for the main award, and the main winner was The Hunt by Emre Akay, a thriller in which Ayşe is fighting for her own survival after her boyfriend is killed by the police. The film received the Sümer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund last year, and is being produced by Tolga Topçu and Diloy Gülün.

Also, The Hive, directed by Eylem Kaftan and produced by Canol Balkaya, received the Mojo FX Post-Production Award, and the documentary Mimaroğlu by Serdar Kökçeoğlu, produced by Dilek Aydın and Esin Uslu, won the Postbıyık Sound and Colour Correction Award.

The Projects Looking for Producers Platform awarded two projects: A Small Mistake, directed by Levent Türkan and written by Ceyda Aşar, and Dark Blue Night, written and directed by Muhammet Çakıral. Also, Catalog, written by Alpgiray Uğurlu and İlke Keleşoğlu Uğurlu, received the RTNT Film Production Consultancy Award in this section. Finally, four short films were awarded in the Short Film Work in Progress Platform.

Here is the complete list of winners at the fifth Antalya Film Forum:

Fiction Pitching Platform
Everything in its Right Place - Berrak Çolak; producers: Engin Palabıyık, Müge Özen
Deskmate - Ferit Karahan; producer: Kanat Doğramacı

TRT Project Development Award
Graft - Ahmet Küçükkayalı; producer: İnci Gülen Oarr

Villa Kult Cultural Residency Award
Everything in its Right Place - Berrak Çolak

Documentary Pitching Platform
New Dawn Fades - Gürcan Keltek; producer: Arda Çiltepe
Turkish Heavy Metal Is Not That Bad - Ketche, Necati Tüfenk; producer: Uğur Can Gürsözlü

TRT Special Award
Women With Purple Violets - Sezen Kayhan; producer: Beste Yamalıoğlu

Work in Progress Platform
The Hunt - Emre Akay; producers: Tolga Topçu, Diloy Gülün

Mojo FX Post-Production Award
The Hive - Eylem Kaftan; producer: Canol Balkaya

Postbıyık Sound and Colour Correction Award
Mimaroğlu - Serdar Kökçeoğlu; producers: Dilek Aydın, Esin Uslu

Sümer Tilmaç Antalya Film Support Fund
The Pot - Ahmet Toklu

Projects Looking for Producers
A Small Mistake - Levent Türkan; writer: Ceyda Aşar
Dark Blue Night - Muhammet Çakıral

RTNT Film Production Consultancy Award
Catalog - Alpgiray Uğurlu, İlke Keleşoğlu Uğurlu

Short Film Work in Progress Award
The Photograph - Ozan Takış; producer: Ozan Takış

Postbıyık Sound and Colour Correction Award
Colours of Germiyan - Aziz Alaca; producer: Ayşe Çiğdem Tunçkanat

TRT Special Award
Lack - Volkan Budak; producer: Volkan Budak

Peri İstanbul Festival Award
A Fine Line - Mirjam Orthen; producers: Dilek Aydın, Erkal Taşkın, Matthias Nerlich

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