October 29, 2015

TEDA Translations of Turkish Literature

Mavi Boncuk |

TEDA is a subvention Project for the publication of Turkish cultural, artistic and literary works in foreign languages. TEDA in essence, is a translation and publication project of Turkish cultural, artistic and literary works by foreign well-known publishing firms in foreign languages , based on the act of translation and printing of the book project in the country it is translated. 

The basis of the Project is subvention granted for the translation and printing of distinguished works by celebrated authors as specified in the Directions and Application form by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 

The purpose of TEDA is to merge Turkish cultural, artistic and literary spirit with the intellectual circles abroad, and to orient people to the sources of Turkish culture, art and literature.

The deadlines for the first TEDA Advisory Committee meeting is the last 30th of April and and for the deadlines for the second committee is October, 25th.

Published Works

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