August 07, 2015

MAM | PKK Gets CHP Sympathy

Mavi Boncuk |

CHP and pro-Kurdish HDP meeting ends with call for peace and national unity

Tuesday’s key meeting between the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) ends with both parties separately calling for peace and for weapons to be laid down, while emphasizing national unity.

CHP and pro-Kurdish HDP meeting ends with call for peace and national unity
“No one should lose hope; peace will be restored; this country will not be divided and will live together in a brotherly manner,” underlined CHP delegate Engin Altay who made the first statement following the meeting held on Tuesday afternoon at the parliament in Ankara. Altay firmly stated that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) needed to lay down arms, adding that the government also had responsibilities it needed to fulfill.

“The PKK needs to know that they cannot ask for peace with weapons. Their guns drawn are directly against the demand for peace and democracy expressed by the people through the June 7th elections … No one who has a gun to their head will be able to hear calls for peace. Therefore, the PKK needs to disarm immediately. The state also has responsibilities which it needs to fulfill.”

To this end, Altay also praised HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş’s stance as a positive influence. “There is no one left in the country who has not witnessed Demirtaş’s honest and sincere efforts, and we approve of his statements.”

Shortly after Altay, HDP deputy İdris Baluken appeared in front of the press echoing the message of national unity. “Let us make it clear. There is no way that Turkey will be divided. With unity, we believe that weapons will be laid down.”

He elaborated, “Today’s meeting is to ensure the people of Turkey that there is another alternative to war … Both sides need to lay down arms. The government needs to halt operations and the PKK needs to put itself back into a status of ‘non-combat.’”

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