August 26, 2015

L'exode Force Des Armeniens (1915-1917) by Kemal ÇİÇEK

Now Available in French.  

Mavi Boncuk |

L'exode Force Des Armeniens (1915-1917) by Kemal ÇİÇEK [1] 

ISBN : 978-975-16-3052-0

[1] Prof Dr. Kemal ÇİÇEK
Dean, College Of Humanities 

Prof. Çiçek received his M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Birmingham, UK. He thought Ottoman and European history courses at Karadeniz Technical University, at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences between 1993-2003. Then he started to work at the Turkish Historical Society where he ran a project on Muslim-non-Muslim Relations in the Ottoman Empire. He published numerous books and articles in and outside Turkey on Muslim-Non-Muslim Relations. Publications include, The Great War and the Forced Migration of Armenians, Belfast 2012, and The Great Ottoman-Turkish Civilization (IV Volumes), Ankara, 2002.

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