July 22, 2015

1931 | Pando Kaymak, Galata Vendors

Mavi Boncuk |

Milk and Yogurt vendor | Sütçü ve Yoğurtcu Pando Vasiler,  Mahmudiye Caddesi, No: 101, Galata 1931

Milk and Yogurt vendors | Sütçü ve Yoğurtçu Argiro and Pando, Mahmudiye Caddesi, No: 101, Galata,1931 


See also: 
1.Save the last Pando

Eviction Threat for Istanbul's Iconic Kaymak Shop2.Çakmak: Breakfast of Şampiyons
3. Kaymak: The Heavenly Cream
4. Mavi Boncuk Culinary Back Streets Article5. UPDATE: Farewell, Pando: Istanbul Loses a Legend, and Part of Its Soul

Mahmudiye Caddesi in Galata, 1930

On the right a store owned by Migirdic Beyazciyan, an Armenian

Omiros S. isaakidis ve Yakovos D. Kondopulos Kollektif Şirketi Nalburiye ticarethanesi, Her nevi inşaat malzemesi İthalat - Toptan - Perakende İstanbul, Galata Tersane cad. (old Mahmudiye cad.) No. 203 - 205 Telgraf : İskondo Telefon : 41868 (1953)

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