July 23, 2015

Odalisken från Smolna | Garbo in Istanbul

"The two weeks Greta Garbo spent in Constantinople with her impresario, Mauritz Stiller, were to become—according to all accounts—the most critical moment in her life. Within that brief span, a somewhat plump, ungainly, adolescent blossomed into the makings of a universal icon."

In early 1924, director and Garbo mentor Mauritz Stiller had big succcess of Gösta Berling Saga. Shortly after, he got an offering from the largest german film company at this time – Trianon A.G. In spring 1924[2] he signed a contract for two films and also had artistic freedom

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A 1985 documentary on the Swedish actress offers interesting footage of Istanbul, circa 1923.

[1] The Odalisque from Smolensk (English Title)Die Odaliske von Smolny (German Title)
daliske ( Alternative title) 

From a book Odalisken från Smolna written by Father Vladimir Semitjov 1882 - 1939 an author who emigrated to Sweden in 1922 with his family. See more trivia » Born: Vladimir Semitjov July 1, 1912 in St Petersburg, Russia | Died: January 10, 1985 (age 72) in Stockholm, Sweden.

[2] May, 1924 New deal with German Trianon AG In late May, Mauritz Stiller signed an agreement of a production with the German Trianon AG. In Sweden he wrote the screenplay for his next film. It was titled - Odalisken från Smolna. A story of Russian refugees trapped in Turkey. Stiller wanted Greta for the lead role. Filming would start in July or August. In an additional deal, Schratter from Trianon, advanced Stiller 5,000 Kronar. This was to buy Greta a new wardrobe for her promotional trip to Germany.

Greta Garbo’s handwritten diary/apoointment book documenting her arrival in America and meeting with MGM executives on September 10-11, 1925 - Garbo, Greta. Notiz-Kalender für 1925. German-made calendar/appointment book for the year 1925. 16mo. Bound in full purple leather in simulated alligator pattern with gilt stamped cover. Completely handwritten in pencil by Greta Garbo, it commences with an itinerary entry covering her travels from Berlin to Constantinople and back to Berlin. After the success of her first starring role, Gösta Berlings saga (1924), she traveled to Turkey with her mentor, the director Mauritz Stiller to commence filming of Odalisken från Smolna but the film company went bankrupt. Stranded for several weeks Garbo left Turkey January 20 and returned to Berlin on January 23, 1925. 

Louis B. Mayer was in Europe overseeing budget and schedule difficulties of Ben-Hur and also scouting talent. Mayer was impressed with Garbo’s performance and was intent on making her a star. He signed Stiller and Garbo to MGM contracts the day after her return to Berlin. February 16-18 entries pertain to her sitting with the photographer Alexander Binder in Berlin and filming G. W. Pabst’s The Joyless Street over four grueling weeks in February and March. On March 31 she signs her name, “Greta Garbo,” and this is the only entry until June 23. 

On June 25 she leaves Göteborg with Stiller aboard the Drottingholm bound for New York, “Teil Göteborg, Drottingholm tier Amerika.” They arrive on July 6 and stayed in New York through July and August. As Stiller continued to renegotiate his contract with MGM, the entry for August 26 states, “Kontrakt med Metro-Goldwyn Mayer,” and on August 30 they left via train for California. This section of the book contains the most numerous daily entries as she passes through Chicago, Minnesota, Banff and Lake Louise, Vancouver (where Stiller’s brothers lived), through San Francisco and finally her arrival in Los Angeles on September 10, and documents her historic first appointment at MGM studios on September 11, “Holliwood, Kontrakt, Culver City – Metro.” Sporadic entries occur through the rest of the year with her signature again above the October 4 date. Pabst’s name appears in the addresses at rear with Sofar-Film production company.

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